Friday, November 26, 2010

"When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right , it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security."

Declaration Of Independence

I have heard people say that the Tea Party is radical (and to read some main stream media), one would think the Tea Party is a group of right wing, anarchical white supremacist zealots who want to eliminate the structure and sustenance of the present administration. Let me clarify this for all of you confounded individuals who hold such notions. This is not a group of "squeaky wheel" sensationalistic , opportunistic upstarts who have nothing better to do than irritate those who oppose them, they are dynamic people who embrace the true "American Spirit" who have recognized the tyranny of a government that has forgotten it's people, but continues to hide behind the bulwark of Democracy when in fact it has become an insouciant government which has been reckless in it's spending, more than cavalier with healthcare, has usurped control over our money, our food, lest we leave out our very dignity, passing legislation through back door deal and is bringing the greatest nation in the world to it's knees. (This I'm sure is quite acceptable with George Soros, as he has destroyed several countries in his wake in order to bring about a "One World Order".) Without the guardsman-ship of the Tea Party, we may soon have as much financial stability and appeal as Haiti. (it is interesting to hear Lt. Col. Allen West talk about B.O. kid glove treatment of this). Socialism isn't about "We the People For The People", it is about the government CONTROLLING THE PEOPLE, AND EVERY MOVE THEY MAKE. Now is the time to heed the wisdom of our founding fathers and throw off this government for the "New Guards", the TEA PARTY IS NOW.

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